5 days, 3 creative pieces, 2 essays, and lots of fun with words! Join us next time: http://landryacademy.com/camps.htm

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Poems from the First Brainstorm

Students showed up this morning with excellent first drafts of free verse poetry based (mostly) on the previous brainstormed list of observations. We spent the morning "workshopping" their work. I think you'll agree the results are excellent!

As I walk through the doorway, I notice a domino of smiles waiting to be tipped over.
When they finally notice me, their smiles roll down like a red carpet welcoming me.
My cup of doubts soon shattered as their little smiles turned into geeky grins.

After signing in, I take a seat at the side of the room.
Avoiding all small talk, I silently observe
the people as they converse
I began to notice a pattern. A technique of observation, a technique observed from observation.

Why do people smile?
What makes people smile?
What does it take for someone to smile?

Is depth of a smile is more than just an indicator of happiness?
No, it is also a measure of comfort and certainty.
Certainly, everyone can smile.
But certainty will determine a simple smile or a cheesy grin.

Oh, the power of a smile. Its simplistic depth so wonderful. Beautiful, refined, divine.
Its uncertain depth can float you out of doubt.
The awe of its power can fill you with indefinite doubt or absolute certainty.

By: David


Whispering Storm
As the day ends dark blue paints the
sky. As the darkness deepens the air takes
on the heavy smell of oncoming rain.

Wind rustles the trees which seem to
come to life and whisper to one another
about the day

The wind brings tidings of a storm.
A clap of thunder silences the trees'
whispering in an instant.

Rain plinks on the aged brick path
and burrows into the ground to feed the
ever-thirsty trees.

A flash of lightning reveals the
serene scene.

The heavy rain slows to a gentle
drizzle to make way for the wind as it rustles
the trees which seem to come alive and
whisper to one another about the day.

By: Josh


From under cascading chocolate curls, eyes shining

Blue as bellflowers

Roses brush her cheeks gently, leaving their blush behind

She smiles and extends a pearl white delicately gloved hand

She smoothes her gown

The sea green satin falls around her

It is like a waterfall that fades into foams of lace at her feet.

A man standing straight and tall returns her affectionate smile and offers his black clad arm

Her flowered kid slippers peak out from under her petticoats as she sinks into a deep curtsy

She accepts his arm and they sway



Out into the night.

By: Olivia



If I could see the ocean and the mountains from my window sill,

oh what joy it would bring just to see it once more.

Before I go and leave this earth,

Waves white calmly come to the shore,

the sea gulls crying, and the sand orange.

The star as bright like the moon.

I just look up to the night sky and i see a mountain lifting it up high.

The ocean blue and clear,

with the clouds moving with the waves.

To see it in my dreams.

And to know that it is here.

Maybe before I leave and go I just might visit there.

The mountaintops and the ocean bright and fair,

The wild flowers upon that mountaintop and the blue wind cold as ice.

To see it with my own two eyes

Would let me know what heaven is almost like.

Still in my childhood room and thinking of everything I have not seen.

To see my dream once more is all I’ll ever ask.

By: Rachel


The Swagger of a Swan

Swans, ducks, and geese, all gather together

In their own world, undisturbed

They splish and they splash

They waddle and they rest

They swim and they dive

They eat and they bicker

But what’s the difference between them all?

Is it the blinding orange beaks?

The strong, mighty feet?

The magnificent white feathers?

Or the mighty call?

But what you really notice is the swan

He’s elegant

Stands strong and straight

His snow white feathers

Shine with brightness

Magnificent in beauty

A silky gloss covers his body

As soft as a brand new satin blanket

With his chest out as if he knows he’s superior

Everything they do they keep their head up with pride

A swan stands out like color

In a world void of color

By: Ike

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