Before the upcoming concert and after class many students either went to the dorm or the library to get their homework out of the way. Others paced the pavement or the green grass too excited to do homework. Everybody was filled with anticipation or dread at the coming performance.
Mr. Landry sent some boys to pick up twenty pizzas for dinner. Despite the excitement the campers consumed nineteen of the twenty pizzas.
At 6:30 pm, it was time to line up outside of the auditorium. Some students played a round of Ninja, falling in the grass and hiding in bushes. After what seemed ages, the doors were opened. Students went to the merchandize stand to buy t-shirts, cds, stickers, and sweatshirts. Then we filed into the auditorium. The camp gave us $15 off of everything we bought. As we found our seats I noticed the overhead lights put a tinge of blue on everything. Finally the concert started…
Screaming and shouting for Tenth Avenue North fills the room as they walk out onto the illuminated stage in Evans Auditorium. Camp Refugee, the Landry Camp, local churches, and parents all fix their eyes intently boring holes through the band. The Christian band started off the concert with a bang, literally.
Eardrums nearly burst as the sound echoed off the walls in the small auditorium. Many hands raised, eyes closed as inspirational lyrics flew through the air. As the lyrics filled the ears, they entered the brain touching the heart and soul. Rivers of tears swam down a few faces. Thundering applause shook the room after short speeches and songs. A tornado or applause, whistling, and shouting swept through the room as the chant of, “Encore! Encore!,” brought smiles to Tenth Avenue North’s sweaty faces as they left the stage. Excitement and thought followed everyone as they left their seats, accompanied by a twinge of sadness that it was over.
After the concert, my ears were in pain, but I still wanted the playing to continue. I was extremely excited to meet these amazing guys up close and in person. I waited patiently as they prepared to meet the fans. When they were ready, they scattered all over the room, signing autographs, packing their gear, and mingling with us fans.
I decided to approach Jason first, because I had a pair of drumsticks that needed to be signed. As I approached Jason, an elderly woman about the age of sixty, with a Tenth Avenue North CD in hand, stared me straight in the eye. A cloud of confusion encompassed my head that soon cleared after a brief moment of thought; I, apparently, have an uncanny resemblance with the lead guitarist, Jeff. I said to the lady: "I'm not in the band, sorry." She hastily apologized and left, avoiding any more embarrassment.
After approaching all the members of the band, and hanging out for a while, I headed back to the dorm and reflected on what had happened that day. It was an amazing day, full of fun and excitement-probably the highest point of my week.
(an outside perspective)
9:30 p.m., the concert is over, people are heading back to the dorm. Everyone is excited but especially the girls. They run screaming up the three flights of stairs and burst onto the hallway causing havoc.
Choosing to spend the evening with my family who were in town, I had not been at the concert. I was peacefully minding my own business when, as I attempted to finish my homework, a bunch of crazy-eyed girls burst into my room and jumped on my bed. The impact caused me to fall and bang into the desk. I’m too young to die! I thought as I got back up and watched horrified as my poor phone was picked up and tossed out the window.
It has finally happened, I thought as I descended the stairs to retrieve my phone, They’ve finally lost it. When I got back to my room a girl had grabbed a towel and was using it as a cape, as she ran up and down the halls. Startled I snuck past her and went to my room; I had a feeling I wasn’t going to get much sleep that night.
What should one make of this? It may not always be possible to tap the mysteries of the teenage psyche but I’m pretty confident a good time was had by all and some students were touched to the core.
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