Hours after arriving on campus, I asked students to take at least 30 minutes to brainstorm a list of observations, focusing on sensory detail. Check back soon for some of the fantastic poetry that these observations became! Here is a list of just some of their brainstorming (unedited as brainstorming should be):
The green leaves outside the classroom window reminds me I’m in the middle of a vast expansive unknown stretch of beautiful mountains, hills flowing with nature.
You could differentiate the students from the teachers just by their smiles.
The pebble path made a delightful crunching sound as I trod upon it.
The smell was old like an old school building.
A dark blue sky spreads across the horizon engulfing the campus in a beautiful but eerie color.
I entered the science building, smells of formaldehyde diffused into my nostrils as it ignited neurons shooting towards my brain, triggering feelings of nostalgia.
The old hallway told of many comings and goings.
I can hear the doors creak and clinging sound of their nametags.
The wind blows tickling the trees.
I can hear the crickets out talking at night and I can see the green leaves from the window.
As the night gave way, the newly risen sun seemed to shout for joy at the prospect of a new day.
Swans ducks and ducklings splished and splashed waddled and swam fished and rested, ate and dove, living in their own world undisturbed.
Fresh faces arrived alongside the coming crisp summer rain.
Perched on a three-story tall ladder, the view was overwhelming. Beautiful green colors came flying at you.
There was a washed clean smell in the night air as we walked along the path.
The unmistakable scent of pizza, music, and tons of different conversations sift through the air fighting to be noticed.
I was in my room, it was hot, my face was red like a cherry.
Cobblestones, rocks, bricks, all combine together, to create a rustic landscape, bringing you back decades.
The sparse trees shadows cut fantastic shapes on the newly cut grass.
The pizza was here was not the best but if you’re hungry it tastes the best.
One small campus trapped surrounded by the lush green mountains, imprisoning the campus in its beauty.
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